75 ways to share your stories

by Aug 18, 20218 comments

How will you share YOUR Stories?

Once you start capturing your memories, experiences and creations, you will probably identify some that you want to explore further.

As you develop your ideas, you will want to make some choices about how you will deliver the finished product.  Have you always wanted to write a novel?  or a play? Or an opera? Or… ?  If so, your choice is made.  It is already an integral part of your process.

If, however, you are just discovering what it is you want to tell, or you know what you want to tell but not how to do it, this list of possible formats might give you some direction as you begin to develop your narrative.

Making a format choice 

How you present your story will depend on many things including:

  • Your message, what you want to share
  • Your intended audience
    • just you
    • family and friends
    • an interest group like a club or guild
    • business clients or partners
    • general audience through mass publication
  • Your preferred form of creative expression
  • Whether you are in the mood to use a format that you have already mastered or try something completely new to you
  • Available resources
  • Any combination of these or many other possible influences

Some Format Possiblities

  1. Animation
  2. Audio recording
  3. Autobiography
  4. Ballad
  5. Ballet
  6. Biography
  7. Blank verse poetry
  8. Blog
  9. Board game
  10. Slide show
  11. Card deck
  12. Carving
  13. Chalk drawing
  14. Choreography
  15. Cinemagraph
  16. Class
  17. Coloring book
  18. Comic book or series
  19. Culinary feast
  20. Digest
  21. Digital illustration
  22. Documentary
  23. Elegy
  24. Embroidery
  25. Essay
  26. Flash fiction (short short story
    50-1000/2000 words)
  1. Free verse
  2. Graphic novel
  3. Haiku
  4. Illustrated story book
  5. Infographic
  6. Interactive story
  7. Interpretive dance
  8. Interview
  9. Jigsaw puzzle
  10. Journal entries
  11. Lego scene
  12. Letter to the editor
  13. Limerick
  14. Lyric poetry
  15. Memoir
  16. Mindmap
  17. Movement Study
  18. Movie
  19. Music – stand alone piece (jazz, classical, hip-hop, raggae, country, folk, traditional…..)
  20. Musical theater
  21. Narrative (poem or prose)
  22. News article (who, what when, where, why, how)
  23. Novel (scifi, romance, mystery, historical, thriller….)
  1. Opera
  2. Opinion piece
  3. Painting – watercolour, oil, acrylic…
  4. Pastoral poetry
  5. Phone app
  6. Photo essay
  7. Photograph
  8. Play
  9. Poem (rhyming format)
  10. Postcard
  11. Script
  12. Sculpture
  13. Short story
  14. Social media post
  15. Soliloquy
  16. Sonnet
  17. Spoken word poetry
  18. Stained glass display
  19. Ted Talk
  20. Textile art
  21. TV show
  22. Video game
  23. Video
  24. Vlog
  25. Webinar
  26. Woodwork

Featured photo by fauxels from Pexels

Storybook image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Mary Elizabeth O'Toole

Mary Elizabeth O'Toole

Educator, Artist, Storyteller


  1. Laura O

    Fabulous list. I am bookmarking and will share!

    • Mary Elizabeth

      Appreciate it. Fun to try and come with a range of possibilities!

  2. Martha

    What an awesome list! I plan to turn Lia’s Friday Story Time blogs into a book of some sort so she can read them all when she’s 18. Looking at your lit on thinking it would be classified as a documentary story.

    • Mary Elizabeth

      Thank you for the comment. Your project sounds very rewarding Could be a documentary for sure. Also might be fun to do as illustrated story book with a Lia drawing for each adventure. Enjoy the process!

  3. Kebba Buckley Button

    Mary Elizabeth, wow! I’m going to share this one around to my writer friends. What a list! Now, ideas on how to file our story ideas? I have been meaning to create a STORIES file, but it hasn’t happened yet. Thanks for a great post!

    • Mary Elizabeth

      Thanks for sharing. I admit that I am still playing with my systems for organizing – great idea for a future post. Good luck with the story file.

  4. Rachel Lavern

    So many great ideas here. Although I come from a long line of story tellers, writing them down is challenging.

    • Mary Elizabeth

      Thanks for commenting. The oral tradition of storytelling is a powerful influence, isn’t it? Capturing in writing a whole different set of skills for sure.