Why tell your stories?

by Mar 15, 2021

Who is your audience?

There are two possible audiences for your stories – you alone or for others.  Of course, others can be broken down by type of relationship and connection but those are the broad categories.  The motivations for reaching either of these audiences might vary greatly but probably have overlap as well.  Do you know why you feel compelled to share your story?  The reasons might help you decide what and how you choose to share.

Do you write (or sing or paint or…) primarily for yourself?

Expressing your stories can help you document your experiences, recall pleasant moments, uncover lost memories, release anxiety, put things into perspective, process learning, [re]discover insights, clear your mind, overcome challenges, inspire creativity, drive action or any of a myriad of other emotions and benefits. Whether your story prompts positive or less positive reactions, the process of telling them can help you better understand and appreciate who you are and what makes you one-of-a-kind.

Do you want to share your story with family, friends – or the world at large?

You are unique and your story might help others to better learn about you and possibly more about themselves.

Your story might:

  • help your children and grandchildren know you better.
  • lead family members to understand more about their personal history and influences.
  • encourage people battling similar challenges or roadblocks that you have met or overcome.
  • inspire new ideas, new approaches or new appreciation.
  • make someone laugh, smile, cry, scream, rage, dance, run, write, share, think …

Why do you tell your stories?

What stories do you want to tell and how will you share them?

Mary Elizabeth O'Toole

Mary Elizabeth O'Toole

Educator, Artist, Storyteller