Natural Inspiration

by Aug 30, 2021

Quiet Reflection

Today, some peaceful images from one of my favourite walking routes: Shore Road along the Head of Chezzetcook Inlet in West Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia.

The name Chezzetcook comes from a Mi’kmaq word meaning approximately “water moving quickly in many channels”.  At low tide, it is easy to understand the source of that description. 

I walk along this route at least once a week.  It has many looks depending on the level of tides, the time of day and the season.  The light is always different so it never gets boring.  The inlet is home to more than 30 species of birds (don’t ask me to name them), and I will usually see at least half-a-dozen on any one day. There is not much traffic on the road, but it is not unusual to site a few birders with their binoculars at the ready. 

This is a good place for me to work when I need some insight.  Even if I start out puzzling over some project without an idea of how to begin I always seem to return with a good starting point, if not a fully formed plan.   Regularly, I solve a problem and have a story almost written in my head, or a design for a new quilt clear in my mind.  Some days, I will sit on a rock by the water, when the mosquitoes are not too bad; , other times i will just keep walking and enjoying the colours, the sounds of the birds, and the fresh air.


What is your favourite inspirational location?

What makes it special for you?  

How often do you visit?  When was the last time your visited this special place?

How do you find new natural inspiration



Birds in the Chezzetcook Inlet (recorded by M.E. O’Toole, Aug. 2021)

Mary Elizabeth O'Toole

Mary Elizabeth O'Toole

Educator, Artist, Storyteller