Lose The Clutter, Not Your Memories
Do you struggle with:
- Letting go of things for fear of losing associated memories?
- Feeling guilty about getting rid of items you don’t use or love because they were gifts?
- Deciding what to do with pieces you no longer want or need?
I can help you simplify
If you want to minimize without fear of losing memories. this 90-minute workshop is for you. This interactive session will introduce strategies to capture your unique stories so you can release things without fear of losing the memories those items trigger.
In this workshop, you will:
- Identify strategies to reduce clutter – and use things you choose to keep
- Practice ways to capture your memories to make it easier to let go
- Find ways to counter excuses that keep you holding on to items
- Explore a variety of ways to share stories and memories
- Share ideas about options for things, whether you choose to keep or discard them
- Create a personalized action plan for your next steps
Workshop Includes
- Interactive class session
- Activity worksheets to apply your learning and record ideas
Here’s a Recent Class Review
The topics covered in our recent Keep The Stories workshop inspired many ideas, both for clearing clutter and creative uses of those special pieces we wanted to keep for sentimental reasons.
Mary Elizabeth is a seasoned facilitator and experienced teacher, and it shows in the thought that went into the content of her workshop and her facilitation style. She gave lots of room for us to share our ideas and had samples of story pieces she had made. Her materials were very well organized and she provided worksheets for us to plan out our own projects. It was a wonderful way to spend an autumn afternoon, finding inspiration and planning for wintertime projects. I left with detailed plans for my own decluttering process and many ideas on how to preserve my special stories.

Mary Elizabeth O’Toole is a collector of stories and a recovering collector of things. She used to be a perfectionist but is learning to let it go, at least most of the time.
She is passionate about empowering people to simplify their lives and tell their own unique stories with their own voice and style.